We are grateful and excited for this opportunity to share with you the vision God has given Mt. Nebo Prison Ministry. It is our prayer that we might bring you, your church or organization, a unique opportunity to be involved in impacting the incarcerated believer with the truth and love of Jesus Christ. Our role, by desire and design, is to be a “tool” in the hand of our Lord as He accomplishes His work within the prison system.
We offer a 13-chapter workbook called, “Fundamentals of the Faith” that begins to ground believers in the Word. Upon completion, they receive a MacArthur Study Bible and an array of materials on how to study Scripture. (*Materials are only available to state and federal facilities. We are not involved at the county or city level.)
The hundreds of letters we receive every month are a continued validation to what God is doing through the ministry. The following are some brief excerpts from the mail we receive:
“This past year your ministry has helped touch hundreds of men’s lives with the materials you have sent. The men in Hosanna Chapel have taken these materials to the men on the yards, sharing the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ.” (Chaplain Lamsa, Canon City, CO)
“Thank you so much for the quality books. I’m going through “The Love of God” by Martyn-Lloyd Jones. What an excellent exposition of 1John 4!” (George, Florence Prison, AZ)
“My deepest thanks for the books. I finished “Comfort for the Christian” by A.W. Pink and am now reading “Vanishing Conscience” by John MacArthur. He really hits the nail on the head! I am able to circulate these books, and other believers on the yard are being blessed.” (Dennis, Canon City, CO)
“Our sincere thanks and appreciation for your years of faithful ministry to the men here at the chapel. The study Bibles and books and boxes of tracts have been invaluable in our work. We hope you also will be able to visit us again in the near future.” (Chaplain Tom Werner, PCF-Appleton, MN)
How wonderful it is to see God’s faithfulness as He meets the needs He brings. On a daily basis God is passing the truths we send through the hands and hearts of men and women throughout the mission fields of prison.
There are literally hundreds of prisons that have had little or no exposure to the teaching of our Historic Christian Faith. We are committed to teaching the incarcerated believer God’s Word and to see them be the instruments on their mission field that God uses to reach the lost with the Gospel of Grace.
MNPM is available to present to individuals, churches, groups or families a detailed look at the ministry.
There are literally hundreds of prisons that have had little or no exposure to the teaching of our Historic Christian Faith. We are committed to teaching the incarcerated believer God’s Word and to see them be the instruments on their mission field that God uses to reach the lost with the Gospel of Grace.